1971Osamu HORINO
Studies on the pathological anatomy of rice plants infected by Cochliobolus miyabeanus
1972Tsutomu UEMATSU
Biological and ecological studies on Bdellovibrio
1973Mitsuro KAMEYA-IWAKI
Studies on viruses isolated from narcissus and other some bulbous flowers
1974Yoshio MIYATA
Researches on kinetics and taxis of Phytophthora zoospores
1975Tadaoki INABA
Studies on the relationship between Pseudoperonospora cubensis and photosynthetic products of host cucumber leaves
1976Tetsuo TAMADA
Sudies on the soybean dwarf disease
Studies on the fungal viruses
Ecological studies on citrus canker
1977Tsutomu FUKUNISHI
Studies on etiology, ecology and control of eggplant black rot, strawberry anthracnose, pea foot rot, sweet potato surface rot and garlic tip blight
Yuichi HONDA
Effect of light on sporulation of Helminthosporium oryzae
Hitoshi KUNOH
Cytochemical and ultrastructural studies on barley powdery mildew
1978Yoshiaki OTSUKI
Studies on novel propagation system of plant viruses using protoplast
Studies on Rice stripe virus
Seiichi OKUDA
Studies on plant diseases due to mycoplasma-like organisms
1979Masaaki YOSHIKAWA
De novo messenger RNA synthesis and glyceollin accumulation mechanisms during resistance expression of soybean hypocotyls to Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae
Hiroshi OTANI
Role of host-specific toxin in infection of Japanese pear by Alternaria kikuchiana
Mamoru SATO
Studies on the bacterial blight of mulberry
1980Hisatoshi KAKU
Resistance reactions of rice cultivars to strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae
Role of pisatin on disease resistance of pea and the regulation mechanism of pisatin production by a pathogenic fungus
Satoshi OHKI
Studies on yellows-type plant virus diseases
1981Matsuo SASAKI
Studies on hop stunt disease
Hiromichi HORIE
Studies on diseases of ornamental trees and shrubs
Ultrastructure and its function in the host-parasite interface of obligate parasite
1982Shigetou NAMBA
Etiological studies on virus diseases of fruit trees
Toshihiro OMURA
Production of virus-free plants through callus culture and studies of rice gall dwarf virus
Masatoki TAGA
Genetical studies on fungicide resistance of blast fungus
1983Naoyuki MATSUMOTO
Autecological studies on the Typhula snow blight of graminaceous plants
Studies on fungicide resistance of pear scab fungus
Yoshikatsu FUJITA
Studies on aggressiveness of races of Pyricularia oryzae
1984Hiroshi HAGIWARA
Studies on the soil-borne diseases of vegetable and ornamental crops
Studies on seed-borne temperate viruses
Genetic analysis of small isometric plant viruses
1985Shigeru KUWATA
Studies on the causal viruses of tobacco stunt and lettuce big vein
Hironori KOGA
Morphological studies on the early infection process of rice blast fungus
Studies on soil-borne viruses
1986Takahito NODA
Studies on the physiology and ecology of the infection by Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae
Studies on the bacterial seedling blight of rice and the pathogen
Studies on classification and identification of plant pathogenic bacteria
1987Yoshiaki CHIKUO
Studies on the ecology and control of sugar beet anthracnose and sugar beet black root
Teruo SANO
Comparative studies on pathogenicity and nucleotide sequence of viroids
Takashi TSUGE
Relation between the host-specific toxin production and pathogenicity in Alternaria alternata pathogens
1988Katsumi KATAYAMA
Ecology and control of bacterial wilt on potato in Southwestern Japan
Yasuyuki KUBO
Significance of melanin biosynthesis for appressorial penetration of Colletotrichum lagenarium
Toyozo SATO
Morphological and systematic studies on rust fungi
1989Takashi OKU
Studies on the parasitism of Erysiphe graminis DC.
Studies on potato common scab caused by Streptomyces spp.
Studies on strawberry viruses in Japan
1990Yasuo ANDO
Physiological and ecological studies on the tea gray blight caused by Pestalotia longiseta
Hideki HARA
Ecology and control of bacterial wilt on tobacco caused by Pseudomonas sotanacearum
Takeshi KANO
Studies on citrus viruses and viroids
1991Kiyoshi ISHIGURO
Studies on the forecast of rice blast disease
Hisashi IWAI
Studies on the multiplication and movement of soybean mosaic virus within soybean plant tissues
Studies on serological diagnosis of plant viruses
1992Kazuyuki HIRATSUKA
Studies on viruses and plasmid-like DNAs in phytopathogenic fungi
Kazusato OHSHIMA
Studies on rnonoclonal antibodies to plant viruses
Shigehito TAKENAKA
Studies on serological diagnostic methods of snow molds of wheat and barley
1993Ikuo KADOTA
Stripe of rice caused by Pseudomonas avenae
Chikara MASUTA
Studies on function of satellite RNAs of cucumber mosaic virus
Yukio TOSA
Studies on mechanism of the forma specialis-genes specificity in Erysiphe graminis
Etiology of barley yellow mosaic disease
Hiroyuki SAWADA
Studies on differentiation and taxonomy of the genus Agrobacterium
Studies on mechanisms of symptom expression on cucumber mosaic virus disease
1995Naruto FURUYA
Studies on biological control of bacterial grain rot of rice
Nobuhiro SUZUKI
Molecular analysis or the rice dwarf phytoreovirus genome
Shinya TSUDA
Studies on biological and serological analyses of tomato spotted wilt virus and its application
1996Michiyoshi ARAI
Studies on infection process and control of barley caused by Rhynchosporium secalis
Tetsuo MAOKA
Studies on papaya ringspot virus
Characterization of phytoplsmas that cause rice yellow dwarf, sugarcane white leaf and sesame phyllody
1997Toshiyuki MORIKAWA
Etiological and ecological studies of tulip diseases
Use of nitrate nonutilizing mutants in ecological studies of Fusarium diseases
Regulation of the expression of defense gene by suppressors from plant pathogenic fungi
1998Takashi NARABU
Physiological and ecological studies and biological control of root-knot nematodes
Biocontrol of clubroot disease and yellows in Brassica campestris by root endophytic fungus, Heteroconium chaetospira
Motoaki TOJO
Studies on propagules behavior of Phythium spp. in field soil
1999Kazuhiro NAKAHO
Studies on mechanisms of resistance in tomato rootstock cultivars to bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum
Masashi SUZUKI
Studies on functions of cucumber mosaic virus genes
Kazuhiro TOYODA
Regulation of signal transduction and expression of defense responses in pea by elicitor and suppressor from Mycosphaerella pinodes
2000Akinori KIBA
Role of plant cell walls in determining plant-pathorogen specificity
Motoaki KUSABA
Evolutionary process of parastic specialization in plant pathogenic fungi inferred from molecular phylogenetic analysis
Mamoru SATOU
Studies on physiological specialization of downy mildew of crucifers caused by peronospora parasitica
2001Ryouji NAKAUNE
ABC transporter genes involved in multidrug resistance in Penicillium digitatum
Studies on virus resistance and gene silencing in transgenic plants with viral genes
The strobilurin metominostrobin induces an alternative respiratory pathway in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea
2002Satoko KANEMATSU
Variation in Japanese isolates of Phomopsis from fruit trees and their phylogenetic and taxonomic studies
Mechanisms of bactericide resistance in phytopathogenic bacteria
Studies on the ecology and control of Welsh onion root rot caused by Fusarium redolens
2003Takao ITO
Studies on the distribution and diagnosis of citrus viroids in Japan
Molecular phylogenetic analysis and characterization of secretory enzyme genes of plant parasitic nematodes
Shigenobu YOSHIDA
Studies on ecology and control of mulberry anthracnose
2004Hajime AKAMATSU
Molecular biological studies on pathogenicity of Alternaria alternata tomato pathotype
Jun-ichi KIHARA
Studies on photomorphogenesis in a phytopathogenic fungus induced by near-ultraviolet radiation
Yoshitaka TAKANO
Molecular genetic studies on infection mechanism in Colletotrichum lagenarium
2005Masashi FUJINAGA
Studies on physiological races and phylogenetic analysis of lettuce root rot pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae
Mitsuru OKUDA
Developing a detection method and study of pathogenicity-related genes of tospoviruses
Molecular biological study of the host-specificity and cross-protection of Cucumber mosaic virus
2006Kenichi IKEDA
Diversity and dynamics of dsRNA in root rot fungi
Molecular biological analysis of plant-bacteria interactions in disease
Molecular biological studies on the pathogenicity of Colletotrichum lagenarium
2007Akira MASUNAKA
Studies on Biosynthesis genes for host-selective ACT-toxin produced by the tangerine pathotype of Alternaria alternata
Masafumi SHIMIZU
Cultivation of disease-resistant tissue-cultured seedlings using endophytic actinomycetes
The molecular and biological characterization of pathogenicity determinants of Turnip mosaic virus and a simplified method for virus detection
2008Shigeyuki KAKIZAWA
Genomic sequencing and analysis of cell surface membrane proteins of phytoplasma
Nobutaka SOMEYA
Biological control of fungal plant diseases by using antagonistic bacteria
Studies on flagellin glycosylation and pathogenicity of Pseudomonas syringae
2009Ayako FURUTANI
Molecular biological studies on pathogencity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae
Kenji GOMI
Studies on plant defense signaling and host specificity
Studies on the diagnosis and biological control of grapevine crown gall and phylogenetic analysys of tumorigenic Rhizobium vitis
2010Hisae HIRATA
Molecular biological studies on mechanisms involved in pathogenicity of citrus pathogens
Studies on the Tm-1 gene of tomato and host specificity of tobamoviruses
Ken-ichiro SAITOH
Molecular viological studies on appressorium formation in the rice blast fungus
2011Hanako SHIMURA
Functional analysis of viral RNA silencing suppressors and a strategy to screen antiviral compounds that target viral RNA silencing suppressors
Makoto UENO
Studies on the expression of light-induced resistance of plants to the rice blast fungus
Yasuyuki YAMAJI
Studies on host factors regulating infection by Tobacco mosaic virus
2012Tomoo MISAWA
Studies on the identification, epidemiology and control of fungal diseases on various vegetables in Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan
Nobumitsu SASAKI
Studies on the molecular mechanism of cell-to-cell movement of plant RNA viruses
Studies on the control of Fusarium head blight of barley and wheat and mycotoxin levels in grains based on time of infection and toxin accumulation
2013Izumi CHUMA
Studies on mechanisms of adaptation of the blast fungus to rice resistance genes
Studies on molecular mechanisms underlying virus-induced systemic necrosis associated with host defense responses
Toshiyuki USAMI
Studies on differentiation of pathogenicity in Verticillium dahliae
2014Takashi FUJIKAWA
Studies on early and highly sensitive detection of citrus greening pathogenic bacterium
Molecular biological and histochemical studies on the mechanism of symptom expression upon plant viral infection
Atsushi TAKEDA
Studies on molecular mechanisms of RNA silencing-mediated anti-virus defense in plants and RNA silencing suppression by plant viruses
2015Junichiro ENYA
Study on the composition of microbial flora on tomato leaves and screening of biological control agents
Studies on the mechanisms of pathogenicity in soil-borne plant pathogens
Noriaki MOMMA
Studies on mechanisms of anaerobicity-mediated biological soil disinfestation and its practical application
2016Daisuke KUROSE
Studies on biological control of an invasive alien weed using plant pathogenic fungi
Studies of plum pox virus: identification, development of detection technology, and molecular epidemiological analysis
Characteristics of viroids infecting horticultural plants
2017Yasuhiro ISHIGA
Studies on mode of action of phytotoxin coronatine produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato
Sunao OCHI
Studies on ecology and control of red crown rot of soybean
Studies on disease cycle and control of celery stunt anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum nymphaeae
2018Rie GAPPA
Studies on the taxonomy and ecology of pathogenic microorganisms related to the generation of an integrated pest management model for important horticultural crop diseases
Studies on replication and evolution mechanisms of plant RNA viruses
Strategies of persistent infectious fruit tree and fungal viruses to avoid host RNA silencing
2019Kei HIRUMA
Plant interactions with parasitic and beneficial Colletotrichum fungi under changing environmental conditions
Studies on the identification and ecology of the causal fungi of Japanese pear dwarf
Studies on the interaction between tomato spotted wilt tospovirus and thrips
2020Takayuki ARAZOE
Development of genome-editing technologies for plant pathogenic fungi
Shuta ASAI
Studies on infection mechanisms of oomycete plant pathogens
Akira MINE
Structure and dynamics of the plant immune signaling network in plant–bacteria interactions
2021Masayoshi HASHIMOTO
Identification and molecular dissection of broad-spectrum recessive plant virus resistance genes
Kiwamu HYODO
Identification and characterization of host factors involved in plant RNA virus replication
Taxonomic study of plant pathogenic oomycetes
2022Taketo FUJIMOTO
Identification of pathogens and infection routes of potato blackleg disease in Japan
Yoshihiro INOUE
Genetic characterization of the parasitic specialization in the blast and anthracnose fungi
Yukari OKANO
Studies on plant–virus interactions for development of multiple resistance to plant viruses
2023Kazuki FUJIWARA
Development of plant pathogen detection and diagnostic techniques for downy mildew of onion, foot rot of sweet potato, and citrus greening
Development of detection methods for soil borne pathogens
Ok-Kyung KIM
Identification and characterization of plant viruses and analysis of their diversity